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Outdoor Woven Rope
How to choose ?
Dry quickly, easy to clean, subtile colors with sophisticated depth, high resistance to outdoor conditionsApplications-outdoor chair, armchair, sofa and cushions upholstery
Advantage:Sag reslstant、Save and durable、Cut length、Light weight
Grey blue blend
Continuous developing new products that come up with the market’s trend and needs.¥ 0.00Learn more +
Red blend
Continuous developing new products that come up with the market’s trend and needs.¥ 0.00Learn more +
Pink blend
Continuous developing new products that come up with the market’s trend and needs.¥ 0.00Learn more +
Continuous developing new products that come up with the market’s trend and needs.¥ 0.00Learn more +
Continuous developing new products that come up with the market’s trend and needs.¥ 0.00Learn more +
Continuous developing new products that come up with the market’s trend and needs.¥ 0.00Learn more +
Consultation Hotline:150-1983-1608